It was a beautiful day, so Kaylee and I decided to head to the neighborhood across the street to play in the park. We had a great time!
Kaylee loved trying out her new shoes by walking around everywhere. She wasn't too sure about touching the grass or bark with her hands when she'd fall over. She loved walking on them, but I'd have to help her up each time. We'll have to work on that :).
Her favorite part of all of it was exploring and noticing everything she saw.
There were a bunch of sunflower seeds that had been spilled on the bench. She picked them up and held onto them like they were special treasures.
Apparently the outing wore her out. She was playing with her toys for awhile and then she was quiet. This is what I found...
Although she was completely out she still kept reaching up and playing with her hair. It was really cute. She never zonks out like that. Especially not before nap time. It needs to stay warm so we can do this every day!