Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hilton 4th Party

Every year the Hilton's have a big 4th of July celebration on a Saturday near the 4th. The party starts out with everyone going to a fish hatchery and catching some fish to be cooked later. Kaylee liked looking at the fish, but I'm thinking it'll be more fun for her next year. Joel and I didn't catch fish this time because neither of us like to eat it. We'll start when our kids care about catching them.

Then we all go up to Camp Atoka to hang out. We have potatoes, onions, bacon, and fish from the grill and a bunch of salads and desserts. Then a bunch of people go tubing down the river. I hate cold water, so I stayed out. I figure I'll go when I have kids talking me into it. Joel went and loved it. We did put Kaylee's feet in the water and she thought it was the best thing ever! We then hung her over it so both her hands and feet were in the water. She thought it was pretty cool to be able to splash in the river.

After that everyone gets changed into warmer clothes and we hang out. Usually there's a campfire we all sing around, but not this year. We still had the fire, but it was mainly for the kids to make s'mores. It was a good time. I only have pictures from the fish hatchery because I was too lazy to get the camera out at the camp grounds, but other family members took river pictures, so I'll see what I can do about getting those. Here's the fish hatchery:

1 comment:

Sara Ann said...

What a fun idea! I will be sure to encourage your kids to want to eat fish and hike later so they can get you into it:)